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Pull Request Message Specification

For Pull Request, please follow the following requirements1:

  1. The title should be clear about the purpose of this PR (what work is done, what problem is fixed).
  2. The content should briefly describe the changes. If you fix an issue, please add fix #xxxx in the content, where xxxx is the issue number.

For the title, such format is recommended:

<Edit type>(<file name>): <content> (<issue number>)

Edit type can be one of the following:

  • feat: for adding new content.
  • fix: for fixing existing content errors.
  • refactor: for refactoring a page (larger changes).
  • revert: for reverting previous changes.


  • fix(sepecification/specification): edit code comment to make it more clear
  • fix: plugins/xxx not in directory (#2)
  • feat(software/mathpix): official website
  • refactor(specification/template): tidy up page content

  1. Edited from OI-wiki: 如何参与 
