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windows Environmental deployment

This article shows you how to deploy the project in your windows environment.

Note: This requires a python environment, python3.10 in my case.

Download ToolDiy

git clone

Install mkdocs

Download link:pip install mkdocs

Install site theme

The theme of this site is material. Use the following command to install it.

pip install mkdocs-material

Install other dependencies

pip install pymdown-extensions
pip install mkdocs-awesome-pages-plugin

Install the i18n

Here is a pit, when I install, directly install pip install i18n is not ok, you need to specially install i18n under mkdocs, then ask chatGPT, he provided me with a solution is pip install mkdocs-i18n-plugin ; Unfortunately, no, finally find the following command on Google, right.

pip install mkdocs-static-i18n

Running Project

mkdocs serve

Build static website files

mkdocs build
