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The original intention of ToolDiy

  1. In the long river of time, we found that repetitive and tedious work brings only time and energy consumption to everyone.Indeed,in our continuous thinking and progress, excellent tools have appeared before our eyes.But what follows is that the rapid development of the types and quantities of tools makes it difficult for us to quickly and easily get started with a tool according to specific needs. On the contrary, "Baidu" and "Google" have become our commonplace. Keep trying in link after link and answer. Some are jerky English documents, some are a few words, which undoubtedly increases our cost of use. So the original intention of Tooldiy is to solve this problem.We want to use the environment of the open source community to continuously collect and refine tools from all walks of life (after all, the one that suits you is the best). Tooldiy will recommend and analyze various tools from an objective and user perspective, not just limited to a fixed direction.

  2. Many times we will encounter environment configuration problems of many tools during the development process. We have to spend a lot of time thinking and learning to use them. Many times, these tasks can only exercise your patience in configuring the environment. We want to Everyone focuses on the tool itself, so we want to maintain some automated scripts for tool configuration and construction or a docker environment for the convenience of users. Of course, the build scripts we left when writing can also be provided for users to learn. It's exciting to think about a tool that can be obtained with one click, let's build it together!

As long as it can bring you help and a better experience, this is the meaning of Tooldiy's existence.

Now, let's use it together!


The original intention of this project is to provide a warehouse and wiki for maintaining a tool description. It is a project that lowers the threshold of use and is convenient for everyone. Our principle is not limited to any specific discipline and field. We can share all the tools we think are useful (Pay attention to the introductory introduction, which is in line with the original intention of the project). It can be shared under the premise of respecting the labor of tool producers. Therefore, we do not allow everyone to share pirated and cracked tools. We welcome all kinds of PR on the premise of standardization. If you have any doubts other than the appeal, you can file an issue or contact the warehouse management. When it comes to paid content tools, we encourage sharing and hope that everyone will do a good job of disclosing their information and marking their prices. This project will not advertise any tools, and there will be no special advertisement behaviors such as location are arranged according to the time of submission. We also welcome various PR requests to improve the reading experience of this project (including but not limited to adding a line break to improve the reading experience, adding a project logo, Chinese and English proofreading, etc.) (:з)∠) This project is still in its infancy, and it is very much in need of improvement and error correction from everyone.

If you have already written articles that you would like to add here, you can do so in the following ways:

  1. Fork this repository, create an Markdown document in the docs folder under the corresponding category and submit a PR to merge.
  2. Contact SakurajimaMaii and send the Chinese and English versions of the document to his email Email.

If you wonder where to start, check the writing template is a good idea.


  1. All content uploaded to this website should strictly conform to Specification.
  2. If you are not familiar with PR, you can refer to 3 minutes to learn, how to PR (Pull Request) code to Github

Contact us

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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
